The healthy home vacuum for improved indoor air quality and hygienic clean carpet. The SEBO E3 Premium barrel vacuum cleaner with deep cleaning electric ET1 powerhead is both Allergy and Asthma friendly with effective Pet Hair Pick up.
Key features:
1200W motor
175W ET1 Powerhead
Fingertip power control
Fingertip on/off brush
Tapered/conical hose
Hose inlet centred
AirbeltTM bumper
S-class filtration
Button cable rewind
Multiple accessories included:
Dusting Brush w/clip
Crevice Nozel
Upholstery Tool
Parquet Floor Tool
Hand Held Turbo Tool
One Vaccum bag in the vaccum & one bag in the box
Sensitive Choice Approved Product
Carpet Manufactured Recommended
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