Carpet Care

Did you know that properly cleaned and maintained carpet will last twice as long.
Here are a few tips for keeping your carpet looking new and fresh for years to come.

1. Vacuum often and effectively.
Ensure your Vacuum head is set at the correct height, too low and it can damage the carpet, too high and it will not pick up the dirt. Make sure you vacuum regularly especially in areas with high traffic. Always keep an eye on your filter. Empty dirt and wash filters to keep the suction at maximum levels. Have an entrance mat to reduce the amount of dirt coming in your place to start with.

2.Steam Clean every 12-18 Months.
Give your carpet a good deep steam clean every 12-18 months to get rid of any build up of dust, allergens, oils and stains. Make sure you use the correct chemicals and products for your carpet. Ensure you get our advice before you DIY as some products will only build up soap residue or leave too much water which can then cause mould and mildew.

3. Clean Stains straight away.
The faster you get to the stain the more likely it is to come out. Never scrub the stain as that will only cause it do go deeper into the carpet fibres and make it harder to remove. Blot using water from the outsides of the stain toward the middle to avoid spreading it further. Work water gently into carpet and blot with a dry towel. When water is not strong enough use a spot stain remover. Call to ask about our products suitable for your carpet in the office and home.

Entrance Matting and It’s Benefits

Did you know up to 90% of dirt in the workplace is walked in through the entrance door. Having the correct type entrance mat is key to stopping dirt and moisture from entering your building.
There are many different types of mats to suit your needs and workplaces.

Saves you money

They will assist in preventing your floors from being scratched and damaged and save you money by increasing the life of your floors, therefore reducing the amount spent on cleaning or re-surfacing.

Safety First

Mats are a great way to prevent and reduce injuries in the workplace. Mostly due to wet floors. By selecting the best mat for your needs you should be able to stop the moisture right at the door. They can also be great in kitchen areas, or can reduce sore feet in areas where you may be standing for long periods of time.

Hygienic use of Mops and Buckets

Different mops and buckets should be used for toilets, kitchens and general areas. At the very least change the water and rinse the mop between cleaning these areas.

Using the same mop and bucket throughout these areas may result in bacterial contamination from one area to another. It is important to change the mop and bucket water on a regular basis. When the water becomes visibly dirty the water should be changed and the mop rinsed. Continuing to clean with dirty water will leave a smeary film and may contribute to slippery floors. It is a good idea to color code mops and buckets for the cleaning of different areas.

Maintaining Mops

Always rinse your mops thoroughly after use and hang up to air out preventing odour and bacteria.

To refresh and sanitise your old mop soak in a bucket overnight with a cup of bleach and water and then hang up to air out.

Handy Hint (Avoiding detergent residues)

Never over-use detergents in a mop and bucket. This leaves detergent residues on the floor which attracts dirt and may leave the floor slippery.

